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Prices and conditions

Metrics include factors such as main memory, hard disk space for the application runtime, but also the services used and their usage plan. For full calculation use the Estimator.

Estimator Tool

HTML5 Applications

HTML5 applications are included in the Application Runtime SKU. Application runtime is required to use HTML5 applications on Cloud Foundry. For every gigabyte of the application runtime purchased, you receive an entitlement of 5 MBs in the HTML5 application repository.

Sizing Guide

The two most important points that affect the required application runtime are:

  1. Concurrent users – the number of expected users that log in to the system at the same time (during peak times)
  2. Total size of the HTML5 applications (in MBs).

The average expected size of an HTML5 application is 0.5 MBs. Therefore, you can also check the number of expected applications. It’s important to consider development, quality, and productive environments when calculating the total size.

T-Shirt SizeTotal size of HTML5 Apps (MBs)Expected No. of SAP Fiori appsRequired AppRuntime (GBs)
T-Shirt SizeConcurrent UsersRequired AppRuntime (GBs)