
UDINA is a brand off the UNIORG Group and also an acronym of the main properties, that power our SAAS Solutions.
D | igital |
I | ntelligent |
N | etwork |
A | pplications |
By founding UNIORG Cloud Services GmbH and becoming a SAP ISV partner for the SAP BTP, we laid the foundation for our services and solutions.
Responsive Web Design
The website adjusts the layout and functionality to present content aesthetically and legibly while making the best use of the device.

The static site is build with VitePress, a markdown-centered Static Site Generator (SSG) using the Vite development environment and Rollup module bundler powered by the UDINA Business Technology Platform.
In addition, it enables the integration of dynamic and interactive tools:
- Vue based Single-File Components (SFC)
- UI5 Web Components implementing the Fiori design system.
- PostCSS preprocessor transforming CSS with plugins:
- Tailwind CSS enabling a utility-first driven design system.
- Autoprefixer adding vendor prefixes to CSS rules.
- cssnano optimizing for production with modern CSS compression.
- PlantUML creating diagrams from plain text.