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UDINA CDM Portal is an app launcher for SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori Elements apps which run on the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) and implement the Common Data Model (CDM).

UDINA CDM Portal Homepage

Common Data Model (CDM)

To unify data formats, Microsoft, SAP and Adobe have agreed to pursue an Open Data Initiative. Part of this initiative is to develop a Common Data Model (CDM).

The purpose of the CDM is to store information in a unified shape, which consists of data in CSV or Parquet format, along with describing metadata JSON files.

The unified SAPUI5 shell sap.ushell implements a CDM model to offer an unified launchpad for various solutions such as the FLP for HANA or S/4HANA, SAP Build Work Zone or SAP Cloud Portal Service.

SAP Build Work Zone Project Templates for Content Packages

Key Features

  • Consistent work experience
  • Harmonized access to apps and content
  • Role-based access to content
  • Anytime, anywhere access to information
  • Integrating on-premise and cloud apps
  • Extendable

Unified Shell Services

All services are singleton objects identified by their (resulting) name. To retrieve a valid instance of this service, it is necessary to call:

sap.ushell.Container.getServiceAsync("Name") // returns Promise
NotificationsV2Fetching user notification data from the Notification center and exposing them to the Unified Shell and Fiori applications UI controls.

Notifications are fetched on WebSocket "ping" and/or periodic polling mechanism.
SupportTicketCreates a Support Ticket. Forwards the given data (JSON object) to the associated adapter with additional client context informations.
UserInfoAllows retrieving information about the logged-in user:
ID, first name, last name, full name, e-mail address.

Runtime Site

When running an UDINA CDM Portal service site in a browser, you see the following areas:

  • The address bar that contains the URL of the launchpad page
  • The shell header of the launchpad
  • The iFrame in which the apps run

The URL of the site page is composed of the following parts:

  • The site URL: https://...<…> (or custom domain)
  • The intent, which is composed of the navigation properties of the App:
    #<semantic object>-<action>?<intent parameters>

Supported Settings

FeatureRuntime SettingValues
App FinderenablePersonalizationBoolean
Personalization of groups/tile/linksenablePersonalizationBoolean
Tile sizesizeBehaviorResponsive / Small
Theme SelectionenableSetThemeBoolean
Group Display ModeenableHideGroupsBoolean
Language SelectionenableSetLanguageBoolean
Search in Shell headerenableSearchBoolean
Recent Activity and Frequently UsedenableRecentActivityBoolean

Common Data Model


Launchpad Content Sections

The launchpad has the following sections in the CommonDataModel.json file:

SitesThe sites section defines the launchpad site settings. Here you can find settings that affect the launchpad runtime, personalization, and SAPUI5 version.
CatalogsLaunchpad catalogs are used to group apps together in the App Finder. In Cloud Foundry the authorization is defined by scopes and not by catalogs, therefore catalogs are used for categorization in the App Finder and are optional. The launchpad contains one catalog by default.
GroupsLaunchpad groups are used to group tiles together in the home page. The grouping is usually based on common criteria such as a work flow or frequency of use. The launchpad contains one group by default.
applicationsApplications respresent a Tile in the launchpad supporting different launch operations such SAPUI5, URL, Plugin.
systemAliasesSystem aliases decouple physical addresses of services using the SAP BTP Destination Service.
visualizationsContains the visual representation part of Applications, how tiles are shown on the launchpad.
vizTypesAdditional informations for Custom Tiles.
pagesNew Experience using Pages and Spaces
menusOrganizes and map Spaces with Pages.