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SAP Cloud Management Service for SAP BTP

Manage, monitor, and automate account operations using APIs.

The SAP Cloud Management service for SAP BTP offers a set of REST APIs with which you can directly manage all administrative operations in your accounts. Explore the APIs and use the supported programing interfaces to write applications and scripts to automate your operational and maintenance tasks that relate to your global accounts, directories, and subaccounts. Note that these APIs are relevant only for accounts with access to cloud management tools feature set B.

SAP Cloud Management service for SAP BTP
Manage directories and subaccountsStructure your global account by subaccounts according to organizational and project requirements. Further organize subaccounts into directories to suit technical and business needs. Manage custom properties/tags associated with directories and subaccounts.
Assign entitlements and quotasManage the assignments of product entitlements and quotas from your global account to any of your subaccounts and directories.
Manage application subscriptionsSubscribe your subaccounts to multitenant applications that are provided by SAP or developed by your organization and hosted in your provider account. Unsubscribe also, when needed.
Get account administration eventsGet information about events that relate to administrative operations in your accounts. Use these events to build applications and/or scripts that to react to them. Filter events by various query parameters, such as a specific time frame or event type.
Manage and create environment instancesManage the provisioning of environment instances and tenants, such as a Cloud Foundry org, in a subaccount. Use the APIs also to retrieve the service plans and quota assignments for a subaccount.